You are here: Home / Government / Agendas & Minutes / Agendas / 2013 / 09-16-2013


SEPTEMBER 16, 2013
6:30 PM

1. Roll Call

2. Approve Agenda

3. Approve Minutes of September 3, 2013 Regular Meeting

4. Approve Pay Ordinance

5. Citizen's Comments

6. Economic Development Report

7. Old Business:
a. Downtown Water Meters Relocation Proposal

8. New Business:
a. 1402 Colony and 1413 Colony Annexation Request
b. 500 Block of Marsh Avenue September 21 Auction Closure Request

9. Department Reports:
a. Public Works
b. City Treasurer
c. City Clerk
d. City Attorney

10. Executive Session Attorney Client Privilege

11. City Manager Comments

12. City Commission Comments

13. Adjournment